Friday, 8 July 2011

But fresh lilaced moorland fields cannot hide the stolid stench of death...

I had just finished reading One of your own: the life and death of Myra Hindley by Carol Ann Lee when I started this piece. Regarded as the most factual and comprehensive book on Hindley, I managed to read it in a few days (which is good for me as I usually suck at getting into a book and keeping with it). 
As a child I had heard about the moors murders and heard the odd comment on Hindley whenever she was on the news or in the papers, without really knowing much about it. Then Marcus Harvey had made the painting of the iconic mugshot using childrens handprints, which I thought was a genius move, if not for the piece then for exposure and controversy atleast. Typically whilst on display it got attacked with eggs and paint and had to be housed behind protective glass.While this woman was involved in terrible crimes, whats more interesting to me is how this image still creates a strong reaction. The mugshot photo is a part of our history and culture, having an emotive power to it, and being instantly recognisable. She was hated more for the crimes being a woman, it wasnt a thing a woman would, or should do. Women should be nurturing and protective of children and Hindley turned that on its head. From speaking to my mum about the murders she said it was so shocking because it was the first big thing to happen that took away the 'safety' from that era. 
Anyway after completing my final major project of college entitled 'its all ugly underneath' and having actually left college, I felt the need to keep busy and keep on working. The final major project had only cemented the fact that I like to use contrast within images or themes, either quite jarringly or harmoniously and so to make this piece, i needed to soften the blow of using the mugshot image. I hate to describe my work, usually its just bang, there it is, make it out as you wish, but with this, I know people have used the image to make art before and I didnt want to be seen as someone just out for quick shock value. Thought did go into it. The five children and the five angels for the five victims. The three birds, the one on the shoulder for Ian Brady and the two lower down for Myras sister Maureen and her husband David Smith. The lyrics at the top of the piece from one of my favourite Smiths songs 'suffer little children' (written about the moors murders - which was greeted with controversy when released on their debut 1984 album 'The Smiths') and the except from the poem 'The two' by WH Auden which was referenced in 'One of your own' after being quoted in Ian Bradys book 'the gates of janus'.  

Anyway heres the song by the smiths, Ive chosen this video of the song as it gives a brief history of the moors murders.