So its about time that I stopped trying to perfect the page layout and started posting I guess... Im currently studying art and design level four foundation diploma in Cheshire, England. I returned to college over ten years since being in formal education, Id left school hating art thanks to a certain art teacher who told me what i was doing was 'wrong'. Not sick puppy messed up wrong but 'technically' wrong. GOD SAVE THE YOUTH WITH TEACHERS WHO CAN CONSIDER ANY KIND OF ART WRONG! CAUSE DAMMIT JANET, WHAT IS RIGHT?
Over the years working in various jobs, from shovelling dog shit at a kennels (the animals a bring love that no human can : PAUL FACT!) to selling copies of 'double penetration in Dallas' to seedy businessmen and advising the unfortunate on the best budget blow up dolls to the time old favourite - call centre HELL, I remained visually interested in what I called, or knew to be art. Typical man, a visual whore. Id kept diaries and journals since my life started getting fucked up and over time I discovered that what I couldnt write in words, I could convey through pictures and images. Thank god I did. When art is presented to you at an early age, its the usual, the classics, the masters, the stuff that you cant imagine ever getting close to. Maybe the art syllabus in secondary education is different now, I dont know but art is everywhere and in where you choose or are drawn to see it. For that, and to have that outlook or realisation Im greatful to who or whatever is up above or in the cosmos, whatever.
Anyway, hopefully this blog will be place for me to dump some of my own stuff, past and present and to also show you whats visually 'getting me off' at the moment. Its always a little daunting putting yourself and your work out there, especially when there are so many artists who just make my hands clench and give me talent envy. But hey, a LOT of people art recognised as good untill after theyve peaced out so I guess I have some time to try and get 'good'..
I'll stf up now but this blog is dedicated to my old art teacher and all high school art teachers who DESTROY and not NOURISH peoples talents, outlooks and interests. F**k you Mrs. Davies, F**K YOU.